RADON IN WORKPLACESNORM Consulting provides a radon evaluation and control service in work environments (industries and services). Pursuant to the BSS, we provide aid for all types of industries and activities that must carry out radiological studies necessary to determine the exposition of workers and, consequently, members of the public to radon, like thermal establishments, caves, mines, etc. RADON IN RESIDENTIAL HOMESThe accumulation of radon inside houses is the main cause of a prolonged exposition to it. NORM Consulting provides a complete service of Radon characterization and evaluation, both in existing houses and recently built ones, from the beginning of the project to the end of the constructions. RADON IN CONSTRUCTION MATERIALSThe United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) establishes that construction materials can be considered as a source ionizing radiation due to the gamma radiation emitted by the radionuclides inside the material, and to the 222Rn and its short life descendants generated from 226Ra also found inside the materials. Therefore, both types of exposition must be controlled.